Life Community Services Society and Rotary Club of Singapore West Launches Aspire Awards

18 Mar 2024

Life Community Services Society (LCSS) and Rotary Club of Singapore West (RCSW) recently launched the LCSS-RCSW Aspire Awards, which recognizes and enables underprivileged students to complete their primary, secondary, and post-secondary or technical/vocational education.

Recipients of the Award will have the assurance of both long-term financial and mentoring support to reach their next academic milestone, encouraging them to aspire to improve their lives and break out of the low-income trap.

The RCSW is a supporter of this initiative since it believes that a holistic approach to emotional, mental, and educational development is vital in increasing children’s chances of a better life. What’s more, investing in the success of underprivileged children is a powerful catalyst for the uplifting of families, communities, and society at large.

According to Ms Delia Pak, Deputy Director, Operations & Strategy of LCSS, “At the starting line, some of our young students may be in cars, while others may be on scooters or bicycles. Sadly, and often through no fault of their own, some may have to run with their own two feet – perhaps even barefoot. In the absence of a conducive environment and positive role models, those running barefoot are at highest risk of eventually being left behind.”

Mr Ho Teng Fai, Community Service Director, RCSW, adds, “We are investing in our future. Because children are the future of our communities, our society, our nation. Every child that succeeds in life benefits their family and the community around them. With more children succeeding in life, the positive impact on our society and our nation multiplies.”